Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Copiague Memorial Day Parade

Copiague held it's annual Memorial
Day parade and ceromony to honor those who perished while serving our country.

Memorial Day Weekend at Republic Airport

A reception was held at Republic Airport for the Blue Angels and other participants of the Jones Beach Memorial Day Air Show.
It was held by the Air Power Museum and on display were many of the aircraft that had participated in the show.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Salute to Veterans at the Tanner Park Senior Center

Diane Harrington and her staff organized a
salute to Veterans at the Tanner Park Senior Center. Quite a few Veterans came in uniform and each respective service was acknowledged. Everyone sang patriotic songs while the greatest generation was received by their peers. It was a wonderful way to thank the veterans for their service to our country.

Copiague Elementary Marching Band Performs

The Copiague Elementary Marching Band did a wonderful job performing for everyone at the Tanner Park Senior Center during their Salute to Veterans event.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ride for Life - From Montauk to Manhattan

The Ride for Life From Montauk to Manhattan to help cure Lou Gehrigs disease finished one leg of their tour in Copiague last week at Tanner Park. They were greeted with a reception hosted by the Copiague Chamber of Commerce. State Senator Owen Johnson and Town of Babylon Supervisor Steve Bellone were there to greet the crowd. The attendees were entertained by the Copiague Middle School Chorale Choir and band. This reception was made possible because of the generosity of Lady h20 Water, Target of Copiague, Sal's Fruit Tree and IGA.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Meridale Park Civic Association Scholarship Winner

At the Meridale Park Civic Association meeting held May 1, 2008. the winner of their annual scholarship award was announced.

The quality of this years applicants was outstanding, and the committee was gratified to see so many wonderful canidates living in their neighborhood. Also discussed at the meeting was the recent production of "Fools" performed at the high school. The performance was "5 stars" and the Jr. Marine Corps ROTC ushered the audience to their seats. It was gratifying to be at a meeting and discussing the quality of the youth in Lindenhurst.

And the scholarship winner is- "ta-da" -Kirsten Langan.

Republic Airport Press Conference

April 30, 2008, Town of Babylon Supervisor Steve Bellone held a press conference prior to the scoping meeting held at Republic Airport. Supervisor Bellone discussed the ongoing litigation between the town and the airportand the absence of a Master Plan.

The scoping meeting was to give the residents the opportunity to see the changes being made to Republic Airport, such as additional hangers and buildings, changing the runway, and building of tank farms.