Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Eating for Energy Session

Do you ever wonder:
  • How do my eating habits contribute to my energy levels?
  • How do we get the most from the foods we eat?
  • What foods are the best energy sources?
  • What foods should I avoid?

You'll want to attend the Eating for Energy Session presented by Susanne Kind, Certified Health Counselor and Nutrition Coach.

The date is February 6, 2008, from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. The place is the Yoga Darshana Center, 180 Great East Neck Road, in West Babylon. A voluntary $5 donation is appreciated as a contribution for use of the facility.

For further information, contact Susanne@YourKindOfNutrition.org.

Eagle Scout project at Tanner Park

Chris Mangels, shown here with Copiague Kiwanias President Mike Caldwell (seated), has proposed a project to earn his Eagle Scout Badge.

He would like to construct a Picnic Shelter at Tanner Park next to the CYL hut this Spring.

In order to raise funds for this endeavor, a Night of Comedy will be held at Governors Comedy Club, 90 Division Avenue, in Levittown.

Circle 4 pm, March 30, 2008, on your calendar for an evening of laughs. The cost is only $20, and all ages are welcome.

For further information, you can contact Chris directly by phone (631) 835-9095, or (631) 957-3986, or by email: ChrisMangels8@hotmail.com.

Friday, January 11, 2008

North Lindenhurst Civic Association donates to Operation Christmas Stocking

The Executive Board of the North Lindenhurst Civic Association presented a generous donation to Susan Esposito for Operation Christmas Stocking. Operation Christmas Stocking sent Christmas Stockings to the troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pictured from left to right: Fran Orlando, Lynn Cellan, Susan Esposito, and Jack Hunsucker.
For further information check: BoatsieLongIsland.org

Good Samaritan of the Week

Susan Esposito was named Good Samaritan of the Week at Western Suffolk BOCES for her work with facilitating Operation Christmas Stocking. Susan was so impressed and thankful for the way that everyone in town really came through with donations of money, stockings and goodies for the troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. She is still receiving donations, and in now putting them in hearts for the troops for Valentines Day.

For further information: www.BoatsieLongIsland.org.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Join the Explorers- Post 555

The Explorers are ages 14 to 20 years old (must have completed 8th grade). They meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, from 5:30pm to 7pm, at the SCPD First Precinct, 555 Route 109, West Babylon.
The Explorer's Five areas of emphasis are:
  • Career Opportunities (Law Enforcement)
  • Leadership Experience (developing skills)
  • Character Education (Ethics and Morals)
  • Citizenship (helping the community)
  • Life Skills (Physical and Mental fitness)

Applications must be completely filled out and signed by a parent or guardian. Contact for membership by e-mail: www.epost555@hotmail.com or phone (631) 854-8129 0r 854-8100.

Country Line Dancing Fund Raiser

The 3rd Annual Country Line Dancing Fund Raiser for the Lindenhurst Youth Center will be held Friday, February 1, 2008, 7pm-11pm, at the Pavillion at Firemans Park. Tickets are $20, ($25 at the door). Come on down for food and fun and prizes. Procedes go to repairs of the basketball court at the Lindenhurst Youth Center. Look forward to seeing you there.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Meridale Park Civic Association installs new officers

Mayor Tom Brennan and Legislator Wayne Horsely were on hand to swear in the new officers of the Meridale Civic Association on January 3. Dan Mari has taken the reins from John Reynolds as the new President. Deirdre McAlvin is the Vice President, Rosaleen Walters, Secretary and Fran Higgins is the Treasurer. Serving as Seargeant-at-arms is Walter Price, Kevin Morris is the Flag Raiser, and the trustees are Debbie Ruth, Kevin McCaffrey and John Reynolds.

The Meridale Park Civic Association meets the first Thursday of the Month, 7pm, at the Lindenhurst Public Library. Dues are $10 per year per family. Support your local Civic Association so they can be there to support you.

Happy New Year

Spent New Years Eve at the Chateau La Mer again. There are three parties going on, and you can go from room to room if you would like to dance to something different.

The food and music were wonderful, met some great people, and had a fantastic time.

I hope you too had a great time, however you celebrated. Have a happy and prosperous New Year.