Thursday, January 3, 2008

Meridale Park Civic Association installs new officers

Mayor Tom Brennan and Legislator Wayne Horsely were on hand to swear in the new officers of the Meridale Civic Association on January 3. Dan Mari has taken the reins from John Reynolds as the new President. Deirdre McAlvin is the Vice President, Rosaleen Walters, Secretary and Fran Higgins is the Treasurer. Serving as Seargeant-at-arms is Walter Price, Kevin Morris is the Flag Raiser, and the trustees are Debbie Ruth, Kevin McCaffrey and John Reynolds.

The Meridale Park Civic Association meets the first Thursday of the Month, 7pm, at the Lindenhurst Public Library. Dues are $10 per year per family. Support your local Civic Association so they can be there to support you.

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