Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Meridale Park Civic Association Scholarship Winner

At the Meridale Park Civic Association meeting held May 1, 2008. the winner of their annual scholarship award was announced.

The quality of this years applicants was outstanding, and the committee was gratified to see so many wonderful canidates living in their neighborhood. Also discussed at the meeting was the recent production of "Fools" performed at the high school. The performance was "5 stars" and the Jr. Marine Corps ROTC ushered the audience to their seats. It was gratifying to be at a meeting and discussing the quality of the youth in Lindenhurst.

And the scholarship winner is- "ta-da" -Kirsten Langan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations kirst, meridale park is #1 how funny was it when tom threw me in the pool when i was talking to your neighbor katherine